Ultimate Spider-Man (retitled Ultimate Spider-Man: Web-Warriors for the third season) is an American animated television series based on the Spider-Man comics published by Marvel Comics, including some elements of Marvel's Ultimate line of books. The series is written by Brian Michael Bendis (who also writes the comic book series Ultimate Spider-Man), Paul Dini, and Man of Action (a group consisting of Steven T. Seagle, Joe Kelly, Joe Casey, and Duncan Rouleau). It was first announced to air on Disney XD in early 2012,and debuted alongside The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes's second season as part of the Marvel Universe programming block on April 1, 2012.
Ultimate Spider-Man: (Season 3)
Animated series
Created by
Stan Lee
Steve Ditko
Developed by
Marvel Animation
Written by
Brian Michael Bendis
Paul Dini
Steven T. Seagle
Joe Kelly
Joe Casey
Duncan Rouleau
Voices of
Drake Bell
Ogie Banks
Greg Cipes
Clark Gregg
Tom Kenny
Matt Lanter
Misty Lee
Caitlyn Taylor Love
Chi McBride
Logan Miller
J.K. Simmons
Tara Strong
Steven Weber
Kevin Manthei
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 3
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Ultimate Spider-Man: Web-Warriors (Season 3), Ultimate Spider-Man (Season 3)
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